Breaking Writer’s Block

I don’t really get ‘writer’s block’ but I do have problems with inertia at the start of writing sessions sometimes. Freewriting on something other than what you intend to write, or in a form (poem, list, computer program, crossword, etc) can sometimes unshackle the muse. So today, as I am blocked, I will now demonstrate freewriting – and I will embarrass myself by writing dreadful elementary-school level freewritten poetry (forgive me, I know nothing about writing poetry, other than some of it will rhyme and that’s probably a cardinal sin!). I will try and do it with the topic of writing advice: write, get critiques, revise, believe in yourself, and share your work. Here goes….

Ode to Bad Poetry but Sound Writing Advice

Let the ink spill and dance wild across the page,
Don’t hold back.
Fill the blank parchment stage.
Write, oh scribe, freewrite voice sing, From the depths of my heart, let words spring.

Share your creation, brave and bold,
With critiques, let your story burn.
For in the eyes of another’s gaze,
Lie seeds of wisdom, both new and old.

Revise, refine, sculpt your tale,
With each edit, cut, impale.
Trim the excess, polish the rough,
Craft a masterpiece that’s strong enough.

Trust your talent, fierce and true,
For within you lies a world anew.
Embrace your voice, let it soar high,
Across the canvas of endless sky.

Share your work, let it take flight,
Across oceans, under moon’s soft light.
For stories must be shared,
Or half their value’s undeclared.

So write, share, and believe, dear friend,
Your journey as a writer has no end.
With each word penned, you weave your art,
A testament to the power of a writer’s heart.

So right now I can tell you the above doesn’t even keep to the same simple rhyming pattern, with most verses once I got going being AABB. But, it doesn’t matter. I’m not a poet 0 under any normal circumstances I would hit ‘delete’ and never face that embarrassment again as it’s served its purpose – it got my fingers moving.

How do you circumnavigate the initial inertia of starting to write? Any less embarrassing tips, please share in the comment box below!

2 thoughts on “Breaking Writer’s Block

  1. Overcoming writing inertia for me usually looks like doom-scrolling through news feeds, checking my phone for new messages every sixty seconds, and losing myself in a game of Civilization 6. Eventually I get bored enough with those and say to myself, “Might as well write something.” What can I say, I need help.


    1. lol. I think that’s what it looks like for a lot of us! But I usually find forcing my fingers onto the keyboard, and then tricking them into writing *something* is my shortest route to getting back into productivity


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